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Crystals & Gemstones

Raw Crys­tals

Amethyst Gemstone Lasers Amethyst Gemstone Lasers

Tumbled Gem­stones

Tumbled Amethyst Gemstones Tumbled Amethyst Gemstones
Tumbled Carnelian Gemstones Tumbled Carnelian Gemstones
Tumbled Citrine Gemstones Tumbled Citrine Gemstones
Tumbled Fluorite Gemstones Tumbled Fluorite Gemstones
Tumbled Hematite Gemstones Tumbled Hematite Gemstones
Tumbled Howlite Gemstones Tumbled Howlite Gemstones
Tumbled Jet Gemstones Tumbled Jet Gemstones
Tumbled Malachite Gemstones Tumbled Malachite Gemstones
Tumbled Obsidian Gemstones Tumbled Obsidian Gemstones
Tumbled Rhodonite Gemstones Tumbled Rhodonite Gemstones
Tumbled Serpentine Gemstones Tumbled Serpentine Gemstones
Tumbled Sodalite Gemstones Tumbled Sodalite Gemstones
Tumbled Unakite Gemstones Tumbled Unakite Gemstones

Carved Gem­stones

Large Selenite Wand Large Selenite Wand
Small Selenite Wand Small Selenite Wand
Discover the simple beauty and subtle power of natural gemstones with our wide array of raw crystals and tumbled, polished gemstones. Whether you're interested in meditation, looking to enhance your spiritual practices, or simply appreciate the natural beauty of these stones, you can start today, and build your own collection to suit your needs. From perennial favorites like quartz, tiger eye, and amethyst, to harder-to-find varieties like obsidian, bloodstone, and serpentine, we have what you need. For your convenience, we offer free shipping on all US orders over $100. If you'd like to stay in the loop about our latest additions, exclusive sales, and special offers, consider subscribing to our newsletter. Browse our selection today to find the gemstones that resonate with you.